Submission Information

Paper Submissions are Now Closed

CELS will consider empirical papers spanning all areas of empirical legal studies. Authors are encouraged to submit works-in-progress; however, submissions should be completed drafts that include principal results. Submitted papers must be unpublished (and expected to be unpublished at the time of the conference). If accepted, authors will have an opportunity to submit a revised draft prior to the conference for presentation and discussion. Please note that accepted papers will be made available to all conference participants.

If you have questions about the submissions process, please contact Addie Jackson.

There is no charge for submissions.

When you submit a paper, you will be asked to indicate one of the following topic categories:

  1. Administrative Law
  2. Antitrust
  3. Bankruptcy
  4. Civil Rights
  5. Constitutional Law
  6. Contract Law
  7. Corporate Law and Governance
  8. Criminal Justice
  9. Dispute Resolution
  10. Elections
  11. Employment and Labor
  1. Environmental Law
  2. Family Law
  3. Health Law
  4. Immigration
  5. Intellectual Property
  6. International/Comparative
  7. Judges and Judging
  8. Law and Finance
  9. Law and Politics
  10. Law and Psychology
  1. Law and Society
  2. Legal Profession
  3. Litigation and Courts
  4. Methodology
  5. Property Law
  6. Securities Law
  7. Tax
  8. Torts
  9. Other